5860 Heritage Landing Drive, East Syracuse, New York 13057 (315) 469-1000 Info@syracusesenior.com Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Get Started/Intake Process

If you are interested in our services you are probably wondering what happens next. It is very important to us that we confirm that we are the "right fit" for the senior, and that the caregiver assigned has the skills and personality that will make the senior comfortable.

(Our minimum time commitment for an agreement is 3 hours per visit and at least 1 visit a week.)

Information Call

Call our office at (315) 469-1000 to talk with one of our four Care Specialists. They will answer your questions and determine if we are the right fit. As part of the discussion, they will begin a more indepth interview. The purpose is to determine the type of care needed or desired as well as helping us determine preferences that will help us get just the right "chemistry" between the senior and the caregiver that will be assisting them. It's very important to us to make it a good match. Just a sampling of the questions:

  • Is a male or female preferred
  • A young person or someone closer to the senior's age
  • Hobbies and interests of the senior
  • Church and organizations the senior is involved in
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Food preferences
  • Any cultural or ethnic concerns
  • What bothers the person/what soothes them
  • Hearing and vision concerns

Home Visit

Our Care Specialist will next arrange a time for a home visit to meet and get to know the senior. Our Specialist will continue to gather information to help us make the best caregiver placement, and will also be looking out for any safety issues in the home.

Complete Agreement

At the time that both the senior and/or the senior's family and our Care Specialist agree that we can provide appropriate benefit and support for the individual, an agreement will need to be signed. This will review the expectations and responsibilities for both parties.

24/7 Phone Support for Current Clients

In the unusual situation that the senior or their family needs to speak with us outside our normal business hours, we provide 24/7 phone support.

Are you ready to find out more?

Check out our services offering to all seniors and our additional services uniquely for those with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Ready to get started? Call us at (315) 469-1000.

Contact Us

Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions

5860 Heritage Landing Drive
East Syracuse, NY 13057

 (315) 469-1000
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Senior Home Care Solutions

2023 CNY Senior Care Award - Senior Care Organization of the Year

Alzheimer's Solutions

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Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions is a Woman-Owned Business Serving Central New York

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