NewsRadio 570 The Local Show Interviews with Sheila Ohstrom
Our President and Founder, Sheila Ohstrom, is a frequent guest on NewsRadio 570 WSYR. She discusses information and services helpful to seniors, services available to families with family members with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and many other topics of interest.
Taking Care of Seniors at Home
with Attorney John Murphy
January 25, 2020
3:28- Stats from Teepa Snow
- Services for well seniors
- Staff with Dementia/Alzheimer's disease experience
- Memory Fair Cafe
- Sheila discusses why she began this business
- Transportation for seniors
- Staff training for local and regional organizations
- What can families do when they first realize there is a problem?
- Medicaid Applications
- Call-in Question: What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's disease?
- Family consultations
- Call-in Question: What are the signs of dementia?
- Mistakes familes make
- The Secure Act
- Call-in Question: Taking leave from a job to help a family member
- Call-in Question: IRAs
- Call-in Question: What kind of help is available for elderly without family?
Holiday Season
Discovering family members need help
December 7, 2019
5:33- Common for families to discover need during holiday seasons
- Examples of ways Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions can help
- Types of clients that we can assist
- Certified training with Dementia specialist Teepa Snow
- Types of dementia
- What is "normal" vs. "abnormal" aging
- Call-in Question: What are the qualifications of people going into homes?
- What does bonding mean
- Hiding posessions is common with dementia patients
- Call-in Question: How do you get started getting help into the home?
- Approaches to help parents get comfortable with someone coming into the home
- The "Momma" test
- Call-in Question: Is there a test that tells if someone actually has dementia?
Hearing Loss/Holiday Revelations
Audiologist Nicole Anzalone & Sheila Ohstrom
November 16, 2019
25:29- How does the process of determing hearing loss and getting hearing aids start?
- Do most seniors use hearing aids?
- Those with dementia can find hearing aids very confusing
- Types of clients that we can assist
- Winter and holiday season increases calls from children needing help with their parent
- Why Sheila started the business
- Expanding into providing dementia training through Upstate New York
- Background of staff
- What signs will out of town family notice indicating something may be changing with a parent?
- Important considerations during the holidays
- Story of helping an 83 year old man
- Call-in Question: Care giver overwhelmed with repetition, etc. - what kind of assistance is there?
- Services offered
- Sheila is a Certified Trainer with Teepa Snow, a world-reknowned Alzheimer's guru
How to Stay at Home/Wills - Trusts
November 2, 2019
3:08- Introduction
- How Attorney John Murphy got involved with Medicaid
- Middle class are hurt worse than wealthy by long-term care
- Very complicated, general information may not be right for your situation
- Medicaid application
- Healthcare surrogate
- Social workers and Medicaid application
- Call-in Question: Can any assets be exempt?
- What led Sheila to start Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions
- Children should know parents' wishes and they should be in writing to avoid conflict
- Sheila meets 98% of families they work with
- Larger families are more complicated
- Services provided by Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions
- How do you get parents to agree to help?
- Call office for help or direction for seniors (315) 469-1000
- Can't reason with a person with dementia