5860 Heritage Landing Drive, East Syracuse, New York 13057 (315) 469-1000 Info@syracusesenior.com Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Dementia Support Meetings

Join us for these free informational meetings to get additional support from our experienced team. Gain insight into how to better understand dementia, how to support the challenging behaviors it presents and how to recognize unmet needs.  

The facilitators of these meetings are trained in the philosophy of Teepa Snow, a world-renowned dementia care specialist. Her techniques help you connect with and comfort a person living with dementia.

You will learn new approaches and how to respond to a person’s change in cognition in a positive way. 

Our Presenters - Certified Dementia Care Trainers and Consultants with Teepa Snow:


sheila ohstrom
Sheila Ohstrom
bernadette tripp
Bernadette Tripp
kelly parisi
Kelly Parisi


Upcoming Dates and Times:

We began these support meetings during the COVID pandemic and had such positive feedback that we decided to continue to provide this to you free of charge.

Meeting will take place every Tuesday from 9:00 am - 10:00 am.

Link to the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 870 9490 2809
Passcode: 571473

Call 315-469-1000 with questions.

"Dementia does not rob someone of their dignity, it's our reaction to them that does"

- Teepa Snow

Contact Us

Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions

5860 Heritage Landing Drive
East Syracuse, NY 13057

 (315) 469-1000
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Senior Home Care Solutions

Alzheimer's Solutions

2023 CNY Senior Care Award - Senior Care Organization of the Year

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Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions is a Woman-Owned Business Serving Central New York

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