5860 Heritage Landing Drive, East Syracuse, New York 13057 (315) 469-1000 Info@syracusesenior.com Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Resources for Seniors and Their Families

At Senior Home Care & Alzheimer’s Solutions, we know how important it is for the family members of our clients to have the best resources and information when making life-changing decisions for their loved ones. We partner with many organizations and make referrals to other companies and programs when necessary.

Automated Toy Pets

Automated toy pets can help provide companionship and stimulation to individuals with dementia or Alzhemier's disease.

Alzheimer's Association
Campaign for Quality Care

Hear From Our President

Our President and Founder, Sheila Ohstrom, has been a frequent guest on NewsRadio 570 WSYR's The Local Show. During these interviews, she discusses concerns for seniors (with and without dementia and Alzheimer's disease) and ways her agency can be of service.

Local Resources

  • Senior Home Care & Alzheimer’s Solutions
    Serving the Central New York area
    (315) 469-1000
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Resources

Contact Us

Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions

5860 Heritage Landing Drive
East Syracuse, NY 13057

 (315) 469-1000
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Senior Home Care Solutions

2023 CNY Senior Care Award - Senior Care Organization of the Year

Alzheimer's Solutions

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Senior Home Care & Alzheimer's Solutions is a Woman-Owned Business Serving Central New York

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